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Jai Guru!

My name is Michael

With a grateful heart, I bow to that which allowed our paths to travel in parallel at this time. Please allow me to share a little of my story with you.

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Chhath Puja

where it began...

My spiritual journey began at a young age, nearly fifty years ago, when I was eight. Though I had no formal education or even a basic understanding of what meditation was, I learned that sitting in various positions and allowing my body to grow still would enable me to feel a vibrational presence in my body. At that age, I called this feeling 'the tingles'.


Though I intuitively knew to not speak of this to anyone, I still practiced this every night when I was alone in my bed. Over the years, the length of time I could sit increased, and the strength of the vibrations did as well. By the age of ten I had learned how to control where the vibrations were felt, and by the age of twelve I could increase or decrease the intensity. When I entered high school, I was already sitting for hours at a time.


After school, I would take a short walk from my parents' house in Clayton, California to the back entrance of Mount Diablo State Park. There, I would climb to the lower peaks, find a tree to lean against or a shaded rock where I could sit. I would close my eyes and allow myself to drift into bliss. Sometime later, usually just as it was getting dark, my eyes would open, and I would return home.

I lost touch with the sacred soon after that. Life blessed me with my first child at the age of nineteen. A year after she was born, I was married, and a second child arrived just over a year later. I bought my first house when I was twenty-three, and my life priorities became paying bills and providing for my family.


Seven years later, I had to leave that marriage for my own safety. It was here that I began to feel a deep sense of being lost. Still, I pressed on, entering my second marriage just before I turned thirty, and adding two more children. To make ends meet, I became a master of sales, learning the art of Neuro Linguistic Programming as a tool of influence. Making money and gaining prestige became my habit. Inside I was breaking apart. I just hadn't realized it yet.

As I entered my forties, I had reached a point of hopelessness and despair. It was at this time that a friend of mine introduced me to Stephen Sadlier, a spiritual teacher and the founder of The Self Awareness Institute. I began studying with Stephen, learning the fundamentals of spirituality. Stephen had studied with some of the most renowned gurus at the time, including Shivabalayogi Maharaj and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


I entered SAI's Advanced Course, graduating three years later. During this time, I had a private session with Stephen in which he led me through a Kundalini Awakening. I will never forget the intensity with which I felt the presence of the Divine during (and for four hours after) that ceremony. After fifteen years of study and practice, I accepted certification as a Mindfulness, Meditation and Wellness Coach. From there, I became a Reiki Master, a Certified Master Herbalist, and was trained to facilitate cacao ceremonies in both Aztec and Mayan traditions.


It is this depth of knowledge and practical wisdom, forged from the spiritual essence of Christian, Hindu and Buddhist practices. I have studied nearly every ancient sacred text known, learned powerful spiritual techniques, and was granted permission to work with Kundalini energy for others. That is where we are now.


It is my sincere hope that all of this work, including five years of dedicated exploration and healing of the Shadow Self, will be of benefit to the world in some way. I don't see my role as being someone who is here to heal the world. That is not something anyone can do. All any of us can do is to become the purest version of Self that we can, find the way to return to the original essence of our being, and then be that. As we heal, our energy vibrates at higher frequencies, and this is what allows the collective nature of humanity to rise.


If this is of interest to you, then perhaps we can connect. I look forward to that potentiality with gratitude and respect. Jai Guru!

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